AAA-Steering Committee approves 16 new projects

For the first time under the presidency of Steiermark/Styria (AUT) the Steering Committee of the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance (AAA) has met at Retzhof Castle in Wagna on June 29th 2022. Also present at the meeting was a representative from the AAA´s youngest member – Zagreb County (CRO). The Steering Committee has approved 16 new projects, which cover the fields of arts and culture, economy, European integration, inclusion, rural development and ethnic heritage, sports and tourism. By now, the AAA has approved 276 new projects since 2014. The afternoon was dedicated to a cultural program at “Pavelhaus” in Bad Radkersburg, where the attendants were made familiar with the Slovenian minority in Styria, the EU-Amazon of Europe project and the culinary traditions of the southernmost part of the region.

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