AAA-Steering Committee approves 23 new projects

On April 20th 2017 the Steering Committee of the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance (AAA) has met for its spring meeting in Klagenfurt (Carinthia).
23 new project applications were unanimously approved. Among them is – for the first time since the foundation of the AAA – an EU-LEADER-Transnational application that deals with intergenerational art education which was handed in by the Thematic Coordination Point (TCP) on Art & Culture. The AAA also supports the implementation of four ERASMUS+-projects which focus on tolerance and security in the Alps-Adriatic area.
Since its first meeting in March 2014 the Steering Committee has by now approved 162 new projects among which currently 13 are co-financed by the EU.
The TCP on Agriculture & Ethnic Heritage will again invite all EU-LEADER-Local Action Groups (LAGs) within the AAA for a networking seminar this autumn while the TCP Europe intends to invite all “Europe Direct”-offices on the territory of the AAA for a meeting. The TCP on Inclusion invites all members to join forces in preparing a workshop on the topic of “inclusive labor-markets”.

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