AAA-Steering Committee approves 26 new projects

On the 28th of April 2016 the Steering Committee of the AAA has met for its spring meeting in Klagenfurt/Carinthia. Among the 26 newly approved projects are “traditional” events such as the “Alps-Adriatic Golden Wines 2016”-award but also very innovative projects such as the dialogue forum “Open Borders – Migration in the Adriatic and Balkans regions” in Neumarkt/Styria or the new “Alps-Adriatic Young Writers Festival” in Koprivnica Križevci County.  Koprivnica Križevci County will also host another workshop in order to deepen the network between Local Action Groups (LAGs) and a scientific conference on the river Drava/Drau. Both events are going to take place this autumn. The new Thematic Coordination Point (TCP) on Disaster Prevention will host the “City Security Conference 2016” in Varaždin County this fall. Among the newly approved projects are also conferences which focus on inclusive sports for disabled people. Preparation costs for the submission of three projects in various EU-programs as well as the implementation of two EU-co-financed projects were also approved. All in all the Steering Committee has approved 131 new projects since its first Meeting in March 2014 among which are ten co-financed by the EU-programs “Erasmus+”, “Europe for Citizens” and “Creative Europe”.

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