AAA-Steering Committee approves 31 new projects

The Steering Committee has met for its first meeting in 2019 on May 28th at the seat of the presiding region Varaždin County (Croatia). The attendants were welcomed by County Prefect Radimir Čačić, who presides over the Alps-Adriatic-Council (political body of the AAA) in 2018 and 2019.
In the course of the meeting 31 new projects were approved. Among them are six for which a funding from the EU-programs “Creative Europe”, “COSME”, “Europe for Citizens”, “Erasmus+” and “Horizon 2020” will be applied for as well. The implementation costs for two other projects which already were approved by the EU-program “Erasmus+” were supported as well. The financial applications were handed in by the Thematic Coordination Points (TCPs) on Art and Culture, Disaster Prevention, Equal Opportunities, Europe, Inclusion, Lifelong Learning, Rural Development and Ethnic Heritage, Sports and Tourism.
Since its start in 2013 the AAA has therefore supported a total of 240 new project initiatives so far.
The next call for new project applications is planned to be opened in spring 2020.

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