Make use of this year’s second call for applications to hand in your ideas for projects
that contribute to a lively exchange and deepened cooperation within the entire
network of the Alps-Adriatic Alliance!
The second call for 2023 starts on Wednesday, August 16th and closes on
Monday, October 2nd 2023.
The Alps-Adriatic-Alliance supports:
preparation costs for the submission of a project within the framework of
appropriate EU-programs (e.g. CERV, ERASMUS+, Creative Europe, etc.), and
joint projects that are in the overall common interest of the network.
The overall sum allocated for this call´s successful applications will be € 30.000,-.
The relevant Thematic Coordination Point (TCP) will gladly support you in every step
of your application. Since many TCPs do have their specific priorities, please make
sure to contact your TCP before handing in your application so that your project will
be most eligible to funding! You will find your relevant TCP contact here: