Alps-Adriatic-LAGs as future project partners?

Hosted by LAG Podravina and Koprivnica Križevci County (Croatia), around 20 Local Action Groups (LAGs) from the territory of the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance and beyond have met for a workshop in Đurđevac on September 10th and 11th 2015.
The goal of the meeting was to foster inter-regional cooperation between these LAGs, which are composed of representatives from the public, civil and economic sector in rural areas that operate within the EU-LEADER-program. The workshop was opened with introductory speeches of vice president of LAG Podravina Mladen Mađer, Deputy County Prefect Darko Sobota and the Secretary General of the Alps Adriatic Alliance Thomas Pseiner.
After the presentations of each participating LAG the similarity of socio-economic challenges throughout the rural areas on the territory of the AAA became very obvious.The second day of the meeting was dedicated to discuss possible project-related cooperation between the LAGs in the fields of agriculture, culture and rural tourism.

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