Announcement Spring & Summer 2023

European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance – ESEIA cordially invites you to attend the spring and summer series of ESEIA international lectures entitled Sustainable Energy Innovation Systems for Climate Neutrality. The lecture series provides a platform for scientifically informed exchange between different societal actors on what must be done to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
3rd lecture: Time: Thursday, 27 April 2023, 19.00 – 21.00, venue: Aula TU Graz
New European Bauhaus: Novel ways of engaging with urban and natural heritage
Guest lecture by Gintaras Stauskis, ESEIA Focus Group Leader Smart Buildings, Lithuanian Association of Landscape Architects, Green Building Professional, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Response 1: Aglaee Degros, TU Graz, Head of Institute of Urbanism
Response 2: Representative of the City of Graz
Chair: Urs Hirschberg, TU Graz, Head of Institute Architecture and Media
4th lecture: Time: 25 May 2023, 19.00 – 21.00, venue: Aula TU Graz
Circular Bio-Based Systems: metabolon From Theory to Practice
Guest lecture by Michael Bongards, ESEIA WG Bioresource Coordinator, TH Cologne, Germany
Response 1: Alexandra Loidl, City of Graz, Director Waste Management
Response 2: Christian Schreyer, CEO Styrian Waste Management Association
Chair: Marlene Kienberger, TU Graz, Research group leader in the field biorefinery
5th lecture: Time: 22 June 2023, 19.00 – 21.00, venue: Aula TU Graz
Water-Energy-Food- Ecosystems in Sustainable Communities in the EU and Africa
Guest lecture by Fadi Comair, Director Energy, Environment and Water Research Centre (EEWRC) at the Cyprus Institute, ESEIA member
Response 1:
Dr Sylvain Migan, Director General of Hydraulic Resources of the Benin and Advisor of the President (remotely)
Response 2:
Representative of the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture
Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch, TU Graz, Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering
More information about ESEIA Lecture Series including event descriptions is available here.
ESEIA Team, email:
We look forward to your participation.
Brigitte Hasewend, ESEIA Director

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