“CAPE AB” – Conference in Maribor

On Feb. 10th 2016 the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia (SOS) together with the project-partners of “CAPE-AB” (Network for cooperation and democratic participation of citizens in the Adriatic-Balkan region) organized an international conference titled “Programs and finance the participation of municipalities, associations and NGOs in the European Community”.

The application-costs of the “Europe for Citizens”-project “CAPE-AB” were supported by the joint budget of the AAA. At the conference, Dejan Bogdan from the “Europe Direct”-office in Maribor pointed out the priorities of the European Commission and presented the organization’s role in providing and disseminating information. “CAPE-AB” project manager Georg Müllner presented the program “Europe for Citizens” in detail. Martina Rauter from the municipality of Maribor demonstrated another “Europe for Citizens”-project, called “From YU2EU”, which established political networks between cities and developed mechanisms for young people and those involved in youth employment policy.

The “Erasmus +-Sport program” was introduced by Tina Kenk from “CMEPIUS”: Projects should be focused on the integrative potential of sports, equal opportunities and the importance of the health effects through sports activities. The AAA was presented by the Secretary General and Ratko Vukovi, head of the TCP on Sports from the Croatian County Karlovac. Finally Tanja Kos form the Slovenian “Creative Europe” help desk introduced the program “Creative Europe 2014 – 2020”.
For all presentations of the conference click

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