ESEIA Lecture Series

Topic: Sustainable Energy Innovation Systems for Climate Neutrality

Timing: The first lectures will take place during the winter and summer semesters of the academic year 2022/2023.

Delivery mode: The lectures will be delivered in person at the Auditorium (Aula) of the Graz University of Technology, Rechbauerstraße 12, Austria, and live streamed online on Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00 CET.

Aim: The EU is at the forefront of the global energy transformation, but while it has made great strides in reducing GHG emissions, it still has much work to do to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. To decarbonise our economy and improve its sustainability, we must understand how different societal actors can mutually influence and support each other in the transformation process. The new ESEIA lecture series aims to provide the opportunity for intensive open debate on climate and energy transformation, highlighting the viewpoints of the main actors in science, education and training, business, politics, the media, and civil society. Check out our flyer for more information.

Key topics addressed:

  • Smart energy systems for a sustainable future
  • Decarbonisation of Energy-Intensive Industries (EIIs)
  • New European Bauhaus: sustainable aesthetics in the built environment
  • Sustainable mobility for urban resilience
  • The social aspects of the energy transition

Upcoming lectures:

  • 3rd lecture: Time: Thursday, 27 April 2023, 19:00-21:00 CET. Venue: Aula, TU Graz

Topic: New European Bauhaus: Novel ways of engaging with urban and natural heritage
Guest lecture by Gintaras Stauskis, ESEIA Focus Group Leader Smart Buildings, VILNIUS TECH, Lithuania
Response 1: Aglaee Degros, TU Graz, Head of the Institute of Urbanism
Response 2: Thomas Drage, City of Graz, Climate Protection Officer
Exhibition of best practice: Green Divan by Sanela Pansinger, adasca
Chair: Urs Hirschberg, TU Graz, Head of the Institute of Architecture and Media

The concept of New European Bauhaus calls on all of us to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. Our guest lecturer will address challenges and architectural practices of engaging with urban and natural heritage. He will describe the important role of art and sciences in solving the socio-cultural and environmental challenges facing modern society. How should a life cycle design process be conceived, which construction methods used and which design mechanisms put in place to co-design a vision for the future with and for local communities? Two respondents will contribute their perspectives on European innovative city and mobility planning and how codesign processes work in the City of Graz. A Graz-based company will exhibit award-winning recent examples of best practices.

Register here to attend!

  • 4th lecture: Time: Thursday, 25 May 2023, 19:00-21:00 CET. Venue: Aula, TU Graz

Topic: Circular Bio-Based Systems: metabolon From Theory to Practice
Guest lecture by Michael Bongards, ESEIA WG Bioresource Coordinator, TH Cologne, Germany
Response 1: Alexandra Loidl, City of Graz, Director Waste Management
Response 2: Christian Schreyer, CEO of Styrian Waste Management Association
Chair: Marlene Kienberger, TU Graz, Research group leader in the field of biorefinery

Use-reuse-upcycle-recycle? If you are interested in circular economy and if you would like to find out how to make carbon black from bicycle tires, then you should not miss this lecture. Our guest lecturer will not only explain the challenges of a circular economy in theory, he will also shed light on practical implications for making local material cycles for bioresources profitable. Our guest lecturer will give an overview of novel green technologies and the challenges linked to their integration in society. Using the case of :metabolon, he will give an overview of main areas of research and innovation including organic and inorganic waste materials, treatment facilities on technical scale, and interdisciplinary approach, biotechnology, mechanical and chemical engineering, and automation using AI. Two respondents will give their professional insights highlighting solutions from the point of view of the City of Graz and the Region of Styria, Austria.

Register here to attend!

  • 5th lecture: Time: Thursday, 22 June 2023, 19:00-21:00 CET. Venue: Aula, TU Graz

Topic: Water-Energy-Food- Ecosystems in Sustainable Communities in the EU and Africa
Guest lecture by Fadi Comair, Director of Energy, Environment and Water Research Centre (EEWRC) at the Cyprus Institute, ESEIA member
Response 1: Sylvain Migan, Director General of Hydraulic Resources of the Benin and Advisor of the President (remotely)
Response 2: Thomas Schauppenlehner, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Chair: Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch, TU Graz, Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering

Climate change and growing populations are placing additional pressure on the availability of food, energy and water especially in the Mediterranean parts of Europe and particularly in Africa, accompanied by an increased environmental footprint. The Water, Energy, Food, Ecosystems Nexus approach is key to ensuring resilient, circular and green economies and to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Our guest lecturer will address these challenges and explain how a range of stakeholders across countries need to be engaged. He will also explain how science diplomacy can advance co-development in the EU and in African communities using the example of the EU funded project WEFE4MED. Our first respondent from Africa will explain the case of the West African Republic of Benin (French: République du Bénin). The second respondent from BOKU will present a novel assessment tool for local-global WEFE interactions (Glocull project).

Register here to attend!

Who is it for: European SMEs, local and regional governments, researchers from HEIs and ROs, and post-graduate students.

Registration: Registration for onsite or online participation is required.

Past ESEIA Lecture Series events: More information about past events in the ESEIA Lecture Series is available here.


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