GMG Convention – DJanes network meets in Graz

The GMG Convention is an international meeting of female DJs from Austria, Hungary and Slovenia which will be taking place in Graz/Styria from the 31st of August to the 6th of September 2015. The project which is being patronaged by the AAA and supported by the EU-program ERASMUS+-Youth focuses on the exchange of experiences, know-how, routines, ideas and inspiration in order to get to know each other beyond cultural inhibitions and even cross the limitations of music genres. Another goal of GMG is the installing of beginner workshops for girls in all regions where GMG-participants come from.
The GMG-Convention will be hosted by Caritas Steiermark. To the public the it will offer Hip Hop dance-workshops, a DJing-beginner´s class, panel discussions with renowned Austrian DJanes, a radio show and – last but not least – the big final event “SM-SESSION II” with all GMG participants at the consoles!
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