“Meet the culture – Alps Adriatic Network” visits Ljutomer!

Meet the culture – Alps Adriatic Network” is a project in the Alps-Adriatic area with the aim of acquiring cross-border knowledge of artistic formats, cultural initiatives, artists and events.

On Friday, July 14th 2017 a visit to the Grossmann Fantastic Film & Vine Festival in Ljutomer, Slovenia is planned with the following schedule:

  • 12:00 Departure from Graz, Freiheitsplatz at the Schauspielhaus – driving groups and networking discussions during the journey with access possibilities along the route!

  • 14:00 Arrival in Ljutomer in the press center

  • Lunch

  • Festival program, open kitchen/street food, wine tasting and movie productions

  • 22:00 Returning to Graz

  • 23:30 Arrival in Graz

Everybody who likes to network, exchange cultural experiences and is interested in EU funding possibilities and not scared from horror movies, is warmly welcome!
To register contact Michaela Zingerle: office@styriansummerart.at or dial +43 664 540 4289
For further information on the festival click http://grossmann.si

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