Podravina Postcards 2018

Organized by the association “A Better Tomorrow” the meeting “Podravina Postcards 2018” will take place in Koprivnica Križevci County (CRO) respectively in Graz/Styria (AUT) from July 29th until August 1st 2018.
The meeting is dedicated to the exchange of experiences between associations for persons with disabilities from the territory of the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance. In Koprivnica-Križevci County on the first day the participants will learn about the traditional manners of fishing and fish-cuisine at Lake Miholjanec and get the chance to participate in various sporting activities and social games. A workshop on sculptures made of clay will be offered on the second day rounded up by a visit of the cultural festival “Picokijada” and a rafting tour on the river Drava. The third day will be dedicated to a visit of the “MOSAIK” rehabilitation center in Graz/Styria (AUT) in order to learn about their excellence concerning the employment of people with disabilities. For more information click http://udruga-bolje-sutra.hr/contact/

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