Summit of Regions in Brussels

337 regions, cities, municipalities and interregional organizations stand up for a strong renewed EU-regional policy after 2020 – the AAA is part of it!

On the initiative of the Austrian region Lower Austria a “Summit of Regions” was hosted at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels on September 28th 2016. The highlight of this conference was the handing over of a joint declaration entitled “A strong renewed Regional Policy for all regions post 2020” to the EU-institutions, among which were the EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corinna Creţu and the President of the Committee of the Regions Markku Markkula.

The declaration has been signed by 332 political representatives of regions from 22 member states (71,5% % of the EU-population) and 5 interregional organizations among which is the AAA after a circular decision by the Alps-Adriatic-Council.

The full text of the declaration can be downloaded herepdf_icon

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