ImproCON / Graz Edition

Opening Performance: May 24th 20:00 Free improve.performance with Annette Giesriegl, JM Foussat, and Stefan Heckel at “Tubes”, Grieskai 74a, 8020 Graz.
All other events will take place at:
Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz
Puchstraße 41, 8020 Graz

Fri. May 25th:
11:00 – 15:00: Morning Talks & free Impro-Sessions
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka (AT) – Transgressing Borders
15:00 Coffee Table Talks:
Uroš Rojko (SI) – „Monologue of the fallen angel“, Performance/Lecture
Maria Gstättner (AT) – „… because you´re in the zone“, Performance/Lecture
16:30 – 18:30 Free Impro-Sessions
18.30 Evening Delights
Cooking with Irina Karamarkovic (Performance)
Tea Grahek (SI) – ImproCON 2017 (Videoscreening)
19:00 Opening with Patrick Schnabl, Head of the Department of Culture – Regional Government of styria and the initiators of ImproCON: Nenad Borovčak (HR), Mitja Hlupič (HR), Laszlo Juhasz (HU), Nataša Serec (SI)
19:30 Ivan Mršić (HR/NZ) – „Kakoschaumbadphonia Orchestra“
20:30 Irena Tomažin (SI) – „Moved by voice #clothed in silence“
21:30 „Untitled 2018“, Video-Soundperformance.Videos: Leon Eixenberger (St.A.i.R., DE). Live-Impro: Matej Bunderla (SI/AT), Yvonne Hofmeister (AT), Harald Hofmeister (AT), Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka (DE/AT), Alexandra Radulova (AT)

Sat. May 26th:
11:00 Morning Talks
Annemarie Seither-Preisler (AT) – „The musical brain: Research results of the international long-term study AMseL“
Norbert Stammberger (DE) – „The SoundOffice: Music as a question – Poetic perception as method and concept “
13:30 – 15:00 Free Impro-Sessions
15:00 Coffee Table Talks: Luka Zagoričnik (SI) – „Contingency of Sound?“
Werner Jauk – „Language-Barriers. How to tackle them in an auditory media culture“
16:30 – 18:30 Free Impro-Sessions
18:30 Evening Delights
Tea Grahek (SI) – Improcon 2017 (Videoscreening)
19:00 Norbert Stammberger (DE) – SoundDelivery of the days´collected sounds and noises
20:00 Tea Vidmar (SI) – „world in my word“ (Voice Improvisation)
21:00 Schrettle/Höfler (AT) – “TRANSCLAUDIA  (all we know)”
22:00 Igor F. Petković (AT) – „Titos borderwalk to Kumrovec“, a Psychodelic Roadmovie with Live-Music-Impro 

Sun. May 27th:
11:00 – 15:00 Art Brunch atBad #36: Morning Talks & free Impro-Sessions
Davorka Begović (HR) – „Crossing borders: new curatiorial practices in the field of contemporary music“
Free Impro-Sessions: Rainer Binder-Krieglstein (AT), Gobi Drab (AT), Annette Giesriegl (AT), Mijo Gladović  (HR), Mija Hlupić (HR), Keyvan Paydar (IR/AT), Peter Plessas (AT), Mara Probst (AT), Irena Tomažin (SI) and others.
Performers: Davorka Begović (HR), Rainer Binder-Krieglstein (AT), Matej Bunderla (SI/AT), Edgar Bültemeyer (AT), Leon Eixenberger (DE), Johannes Feuchter (AT/CH), JM Foussat  (FR), Annette Giesriegl (AT), Mijo Gladović (HR), Maria Gstättner (AT), Richie Herbst (AT), Stefan Heckel (AT), Mija Hlupić (HR), Max Höfler (AT), Yvonne Hofmeister (AT), Harald Hofmeister (AT), Werner Jauk (AT), Damir Prica Kafka (HR), Irina Karamarkovic (YU/AT), Michael Laab (AT), Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka (DE/AT), Jean-Christophe Mastnak (AT), Ivan Mršić (SI/NZ), Niki Passath (AT), Keyvan Paydar (IR/AT), Igor F. Petković (AT), Peter Plessas (AT), Mara Probst (AT),  Alexandra Radulova (AT), Uroš Rojko(SI), Johannes Schrettle (AT), Annemarie Seither-Preisler (AT), Norbert Stammberger (DE), Irena Tomažin (SI), Tea Vidmar (SI), Patrick Wurzwallner (AT), Luka Zagoričnik (SI) and many others

Entrance Fee: musical participation / voluntary donations

Cooperation Partners:
KUD Mreža,, Nataša Serec (Ljubljana, SI)
GOKUL,, Nenad Borovščak (HR)
Bistrica ob Sotli Klub Metulj,, Mitja Hlupić (SI)

ImproCON, which is a project supported by the AAA, started at Kumrovec (CRO) in 2014 as a platform for artistic and theoretical cooperation: Musicians of free improvised cross-border music scenes meet with visual and video artists, theoreticians, curators and music organizers for an exchange and common experiments. Kumrovec is also the birthplace of Josip Broz Tito. In 2016 “Schaumbad” from Graz was invited to join the cooperation.
The call of the region of Styria titled “The limits of my language are the limits of my world. Is that how it works?” inspired an even stronger mix of theory and practice which includes the specific resources of Graz, such as the internationally acclaimed musical college and the lively cultural scene of the city.
Interested musicians are invited to bring their instruments and participate in the free sessions. The organizers look forward to a numerous participation! Travel costs and overnight stays may be taken care of after previous consultation.
If you are interested please contact

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