Alps-Adriatic-Alliance: 1st Call for financial applications in 2018

Application Period: March 1st to March 31st 2018
Intended total funding amount for this call: € 35.000,–.

According to chapter V of the current Procedural Rules the joint budget of the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance is intended to support „the financing of important activities and projects, which are significant for the entire network“.
The Alps-Adriatic-Alliance supports
preparation costs for the submission of a project within the framework of appropriate EU-programs (e.g. Europe for Citizens, ERASMUS+, Creative Europe, etc.)
the implementation of EU co-financed projects
joint projects which are in the overall common interest of the cooperation network

Criteria for the successful selection of applications:
Projects financed by the AAA must involve the minimum of three regular members of the AAA from three different countries.
The more partners involved, the higher the chance for approval.

All members of the AAA must have the opportunity to be part of the project.

The role of each partner should be described in the application.

The expectable added value of the project for the entire AAA must be clearly described in the application form and is subject to evaluation after the project is completed.

The number of people which can be reached by the project (participants, multiplicators, visitors etc.) is essential.

All application forms must be sent to the responsible Thematic Coordination Point (TCP) by March 31st 2018, 23:59 hours. The addresses of the TCPs are indicated on the application form as well as on

To download application forms with detailed implementation guidelines as well as the procedural rules click

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