INCLUSIA-Award 2018 – Nominate your projects!

From the 10th to the 12th of April the event “INCLUSIA 2018” will again bring together almost 1.000 participants from the Alps-Adriatic area and beyond in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (Carinthia).
It is not just the biggest event on inclusion but also the biggest meeting of its kind supported by the AAA in Carinthia. Young people with and without disabilities will get together for joint activities such as making music, painting, cooking, arts & crafts, sports or choir singing, to make inclusion become alive.

On the 24th of May “INCLUSIA – Award for outstanding inclusion projects” will be handed over at the Regional Archive in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee. So if there is a project focusing on inclusion in your region, which you consider outstanding, then don´t hesitate to nominate it! Deadline is February 15th 2018.
For all details concerning the award click

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