No time to waste

Leader: Association Mink Tolmin – Slovenia
I PROMICANJE KULTURE / short name: Mani d.o.o. – Croatia
Partner 3 outhside AA region: Associacione Topolo-Topoluove – Italy

The initiative principles of the project “No time to Waste for Adriatic Alps Festivals Network ” offer the opportunity
to the festivals and cultural events in the region to jointly increase their visibility, information exchange
and write an international project proposal in the implementation of innovative actions in the management
of Zero Waste. Soča Valley already has a title Slovenian Green Destination (Gold) as a part of the national
program Green Scheme of Slovenian tourism but we have to improve and promote a tourist economy where
conservation, recycling and recovery are keywords of a new cultural approach by developing integrated and
specialized festival packages. Our starting point is Tolmin (Soča Valley) as a city with the biggest number of
an international audience in Slovenia coming every year because of music festivals. The region has positioned
itself in the minds of the local and international audience as one of the most beautiful festival destinations in
the world. Establishment of Adriatic Alps Festivals Network (AAFN) by cross border alliance of long-time
supporters of the “off-track/non-mainstream” art and music scene whose members are going to collaborate in
the investigation, and sharing of innovative ideas, new methods and key insights in making festivals a driver of
a sustainable future by zero waste management.

As a region which is part of European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica /Gorizia striving to collaboration
and Zero Waste are almost necessary goals for the regional development.
Association Mink Tolmin apply in May for Creative Europe Cooperation projects programm
with project partners: Mani d.o.o. Croatia, Kulturanova-Serbia, Association Ecopark odv – Italy, Klanghaus
Austria and Proprogressione – Hungary.

Our project was named SAFE- Sustainable Art Festivals and Events
Project Abstract:
Culture has a prominent place in SAFE (Sustainable Art Festivals and Events) consortium programs, which
convenes imaginative thinkers and arts-based practitioners with different backgrounds and expertise in fields of
environment, culture, art, science, public services, to support sustainable development, involve opinion-makers
and audience through active communication, performativity and reflection of multiple intents and values
through their engaged artworks and research. Despite different backgrounds of the project participants, we are
sure that art, beauty and creativity together can reconnect people to the land and nature, and inspire them to
protect it, following a New European Bauhaus creative and interdisciplinary initiative and European Green
Deal. The SAFE consortium partnership focus is on the transformative power of the arts within and across sectors,
cultural exchange at multiple levels, networking and capacity-building opportunities. We are presenting
sustainability as a cultural problem, where artists with their cultural framework, particular expertise and
skills, and especially with their different background, adding a great value while working in trans-disciplinary
teams and simultaneously raising awareness about environmental, climate, zero waste, green issues. As part
of our deep commitment to the next-generation, we support the continuously evolving needs of the creative
sector as a major driver of sustainable economic development and social improvement. Our contribution to a
greener world, while promoting and reimagining values and empowering organisations, is answer to a
questions on how culture and art become a catalyst of sustainability. In this two years project, we are going to
research, reflect and share our findings by organising events, art residencies, exhibitions, lectures, workshops,
where bring together artists, cultural managers, local activists and stakeholders to explore, create, practice and
presents new findings and artworks.

Unfortunatly we missed 3 point to be fi nanced. We are going to reapply in February 2023.
Sanja Popov Leban was presenting AAFN also in Belgrade on International conference “Kontakt” in March
On 18th November 2022 we aorganized a Conference “No time to waste” about sustainable soulutions in

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